Welcome to AAPS Online Benefits Center

To access the site, please use the following:

Username: The first letter of your first name followed by your last name and then the last 4 of your SSN. (ex: John Doe XXX_XX_1234 is "jdoe1234")

Password: The last four digits of your social security number.

When changing your password it will ask for your "Current Password", that is the last 4 of your SSN.

The only changes that will be able to be made to your elections throughout the year are those that involve a Qualifying Life Event (marriage, birth, etc.).

Please Note:

If you have forgotten your password or you are not able to enter the site after three failed attempts:

1. Click > Forgot Password located to the left of the

2. Enter your Username or Work Email Address

3. Enter your Birth date

4. Select the method you would like to use to receive your Password Reset information.